Today Alexandra turns 10 months old. We are doing nothing crazy to celebrate the special day other than our traditional crave cupcake mowdown ;) 7 weeks until I am back to work, I can’t believe how close that is…definitely bitter
Today was day light savings which I have been looking forward to for a while. Alexandra has always gone to bed very early (she gets that from her mother) but it has really restricted our nighttime galavanting. A typical day for Alexandra is up at 6:30am, morning nap at 9am, afternoon nap at 1:00pm and back down for bed at 6:30. Now with the time change we will be bumping everything back an hour, so bed 7:30-7:30 and naps 10 & 2. I am really looking forward to having that extra time with her in the evenings especially once I go back to work. I can count on one hand how many times I have eaten out in the past 10 months, and now with the later bed time I am looking forward to dinner out every now and then.
Weight: 18 lbs (official stats to come tomorrow)
Clothing: Ali is wearing 6-12 months. Believe it or not she is actually starting to outgrow her 6-12 month tops. I think she has her Dad’s body…very long torso and short little legs. Her 9 month pants are still plenty long on her. I am VERY much so looking forward to shorts and summer dresses.
Feeding: I am happy to report that feeding is definitely getting better. She is eating three meals a day. However she will only really eat the baby gourmet old fashion apple crisp. At every meal I give her some of what I am eating so that she can try different flavors, however has still not shown a ton of interest in much else besides her apples. I give her whole grain pancakes or waffles every morning and she plays with them more than anything, but stepping stones I guess, We were out for sushi the other day with Rockson’s brothers family and I had udon soup, so I was giving her the broth, and she seemed to love that. She LOVES drinking anything from a regular cup. Next week we are going to try whole milk.
Milestones: There actually hasn’t been a whole lot since 9 months…that I can think of. She can walk using her walker…with a bit of assistance from us; otherwise she just gets going a little fast. She loves to dance. Every time we say, “Ali, dance!” she starts grooving. Still just a ton of furniture surfing.
Loves: Ali loves her baths, puffs, being swing around in circles. She loves to be out and about at the mall, but prefers to be carried. She loves apple sauce and drinking from a cup. Loves to be on the go…constantly. She also LOVES kids; she gets quite excited at any site of other children.
Hates: the usual…her rides when she is tired…she screams the whole time. She also hates when she is forced to sit still, so that includes diaper changes, getting dressed and sitting in her high chair. She often does well eating when we just let her sit on the floor so she has free range to move around.
What a little sweetie! Happy 10 months Ali!