Today Alexandra turned 9 months old. We spent the weekend in Fernie with Mom & Dad so by the time we got home this afternoon I didn't expect that I was going to get Alexandra's 9 month picture because I assumed she was going to be too tired, however she was a great sport and I was able to get her picture and weigh her all before bed.
We had a great weekend in Fernie with Grandma & Grandpa. Rockson was away for work so it was nice to be able to also get away for the weekend. The weather in Fernie was very cold, however clear, blue, sunny skies which is always wonderful. The drive out to Fernie was a bit of a challenge. Ali did not want to sit in her car seat, so we spent the entire drive singing songs and reading stories, trying to find any way possible to entertain her. Saturday we drove down to Eruke, Montana. Thankfully it's only 45 minutes away from Fernie. We had lunch at our little favorite spot, did a bit of grocery shopping (I LOVE picking up Chobani yogurt when we cross the boarder). Then today we headed back, and had just as hard of a time with Ali in the car. I think we are at the point where we will just give up on hoping that she will ever enjoy being in the car. We were all talking about how we would love to have a nap in the car on the way home, and of course the one little girl who should have napped screamed most of the 3 hour car ride home.
Anyway, what a nice weekend away, I am so mad at myself for not getting more pictures. I am not sure why I struggle so much to do that. Geeshk. Anyway, back to Ali's 9 month post.
Weight: 17 lbs 8 oz .....this is according to our scale at home. She has only gained an ounce in 1 month. Well, that could be because she is constantly on the move and still getting 96% of her nourishment through breast feeding.
Clothing Size: I hate to say it, but her 6-12 month clothes are still a little big....but 3-6 are WAY to small, so we are still sort of in between. She wears 6-12 months, but she swims a little in them.
Feeding: As I mentioned previously, she is still mostly breastfeeding, however definitely getting better with solids. This morning she ate about 10 bites of puree prunes and tonight ate about 15 bites of baby gourmet apple crisp. She HATES cereal, so I am starting to get a little concerned about her iron intake. I will need to chat to the doctor about this. She ADORES and I mean adores the baby puffs. haha it is actually quite funny, she cannot get enough of them. Pretty cute to see her eyes light up when I bring her puffs out of the cupboard.
Milestones: Alexandra is couch surfing...I believe they call it. She can pull herself up on anything and will move around the different pieces of furniture that she has climbed up on. She is also waving anytime we say, "Goodbye Alexandra". It is very cute!
Loves: I would definitely have to say that Ali LOVES her puffs, stars as we call them. She also loves to pull herself up on anything, she will pull the movies of the movie stand. She loves the chinese medicine cabinet and thinks is a riot to be able to open and close the drawers a million and one times. She has also discovered the plug outlets so i will need to go and buy the covers for them sometime this week.
Hates: same as last month...her car seat, cereal...her stroller the usual.
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