Saturday, 9 November 2013

6 Months - Happy 1/2 Birthday Alexandra

Today is Alexandra's 1/2 birthday. I can't get over how fast she is growing. It makes me sad to think she will be a toddler before we know it.

Weight: 16 lbs. 3 oz.
Clothing Size: just graduated to 6-9 months. Wearing size 2 diapers...not for much longer though
Feeding: still exclusively breast feeding. Doesn't like anything on a spoon yet
Milestones: Alexandra is rolling from back to front as well as front to back. Can sit up on her own as long as she is balanced well. Her two bottom teeth popped through on Nov 6th. Graduated to the big girl car seat. Started her first swimming lessons and has learned to blow bubbles.
Loves: her Sophie, eating my cell phone as well as the remote controls. She will put anything she can in her mouth. LOVES to jump. In her perfect world she would jump all day long. Still loves her bjorn...I swear she might be in that thing when she is 18 years old. Also loves warm baths.
Hates: solid food. Still isn't crazy about her stroller.

1 comment:

  1. She is too cute! They seriously grow so fast. Breaks my heart! My daughter will be 6 months in 2 weeks. Where does the time go?!!!
