Friday, 27 December 2013

Alexandra's First Christmas

What a success!! We had such a wonderful Christmas. We arrived at Mom & Dad's on Monday afternoon. We went a day early so that Rockson and I could go see the hobbit Monday night while M&D babysat. Then the 24th we just hung out, did some last minute running around then went to church. Christmas Day was truly magnificent. We had such a fun day. Molly & Adam stayed over Christmas Eve so we were all able to be there Christmas morning. After opening gifts, Molly & Adam headed to the robertsons and we got ready to have the Thomas's over for our traditional Christmas dinner. What a fun night that ended in a great 'girls against guys' game of charades. We finally got to bed at 2:30 and of course Alexandra decided to wake up Boxing Day at 5:00am eeeek. Boxing Day we literally did nothing other than sit on the couch and watch TV all day. Molly & Adam headed back over around 5:00 and we ordered what will become our annual Boxing Day Chinese food. So yummy. Finally today Rockson and I got up and packed everything up to head home. Sad that Christmas is over but happy to be home. Until next year!

Alexandra's infinity scarf made by Aunt Molly

Friday, 20 December 2013

Annual mother daughter night

Last week we had our mother daughter night. I have known these ladies since the day we were born and love them all very much. We had a pot luck dinner which was a huge success. Can't wait till the next one.

Thursday, 19 December 2013

We're Homeowners

Yay, its official, we have finally purchased our very first home and we are ecstatic. Actually i should rephrase that, we have purchased land and are building a house...or shall i say, Cederglen Homes is building the house. Our house will be ready in September so there will be plenty of details to come in the near future.

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Visit with Santa

My mom and I took Alexandra to visit Santa Clause on Wednesday and to my surprise, she loved him. I warned all of Santa's elves that we have a screamer on our hands and they best be quick when taking the photo. I quickly put Ali on Santa's lap and moved out of the way so they could snap the shot and...there were no tears. Yahoo!
Waiting in line to see Santa

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

7 months

Alexandra turned 7 months yesterday. They were right when they said the time flew. I cant believe how old she is getting and how big she is becoming. She is turning into a very happy easy going little girl. She still LOVES to be held but for the most part is very content.
Weight: 16 lbs. 9 oz.
Clothing Size:  6-12 months
Feeding: still exclusively breastfeeding, however i think solids are in the near future. She is starting to open her mouth a little for the spoon, until she realizes there is food on there. She does however love Christmas oranges. She will gnaw on the whole thing while I am cooking dinner.
Milestones: Alexandra is sitting up on her own now for the most part. She will still have the odd tumble if she seems something she wants in the distance or gets distracted. She will get on all fours and rock back and forth, however not crawling yet. She can bare her weight on her legs. She is still waking up 1-2 a night, however that will change (whether she likes it or not) once she is on solids. Most nights she is only up once, however there are definitely a couple of nights a week when she is up twice.
Loves: Dogs, mandarin oranges, other kids, swimming lessons, bath's, nursing, putting literally anything in her mouth. Alexandra loves tags...she has a piano that is the size of her head and she will hold the whole thing up to her face so that she can put the tiny little tag on the back in her mouth. We are definitely going to have to baby proof in the near future.
Hates: her snow suit, solids, being in the stroller when she cant move

We also decorated the Christmas tree over the weekend and Alexandra loves looking at the Christmas lights. What a blessing she is.

Friday, 29 November 2013

Christmas Pictures

Happy Black Friday!!! We did manage to make it to the mall today...initially to watch the arrival of Santa Clause, however we did manage to do a bit of Black Friday shopping as well. Santa's arrival wasn't quite what we thought it would be - was still neat to see him though. While we were at the mall with our friends, we picked up Alexandra's professional pictures that were taken Nov 6th. I had them done at Magenta photo studio in chinook mall and I'm thrilled with them. I will definitely have pictures taken at this studio in the future. 2 sleeps 'till Dec 1 :)

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

2nd annual Nuts & Bolts Trip

Ever since I was a very little girl my mom has always made nuts & bolts. They are delicious and we always know Christmas is here once the nuts & bolts are made. Last year I decided I wanted to help my mom make them so that I could also give them away...they make wonderful little gifts. We thought it would be fun to go up to Fernie to make them as a fun little get away. So this year was the second annual trip. Dad joined us this year which was lots of fun! We even made a trip down to Eureka for lunch.

We took a detour to check out Wilderness on our way to Eureka

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Apron Making

Today we made matching mom & baby aprons at Kerri's house. Such a fun festive day. I really love my moms group and am so lucky to have them.

Saturday, 9 November 2013

6 Months - Happy 1/2 Birthday Alexandra

Today is Alexandra's 1/2 birthday. I can't get over how fast she is growing. It makes me sad to think she will be a toddler before we know it.

Weight: 16 lbs. 3 oz.
Clothing Size: just graduated to 6-9 months. Wearing size 2 diapers...not for much longer though
Feeding: still exclusively breast feeding. Doesn't like anything on a spoon yet
Milestones: Alexandra is rolling from back to front as well as front to back. Can sit up on her own as long as she is balanced well. Her two bottom teeth popped through on Nov 6th. Graduated to the big girl car seat. Started her first swimming lessons and has learned to blow bubbles.
Loves: her Sophie, eating my cell phone as well as the remote controls. She will put anything she can in her mouth. LOVES to jump. In her perfect world she would jump all day long. Still loves her bjorn...I swear she might be in that thing when she is 18 years old. Also loves warm baths.
Hates: solid food. Still isn't crazy about her stroller.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

First Swimming Lessons

First swim lessons were a success. I dunked Alexandra twice and she did fantastic. We found out today that Alexandra's friend, Charlie is also in the class so it is nice to have a little buddy.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Shoemaker wedding

What a specular day. So very happy and excited to two of my most very dearest friends, Shannon & Chad Shoemaker. Also on this same very exciting day...we felt a little sharp tooth pop out of Alexandra's gums. It's on the bottom right side. Exciting.


Rockson had hockey on Halloween this year so Alexandra and I decided to spend the night at mom & dads house. That way we were able to help hand out Halloween candy. I think Alexandra is looking forward to not having to wear her costume any longer.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Goodbye Jessie

Today Mom & Dad put Jessie down. She was completely full of cancer. We will miss her ver much.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Moms Group Halloween Party

We just decided today that we need to come up with a better name for our group than "moms group". Anyway, today Kerri hosted our baby halloween party. All the babies were dressed up in their costumes. They were so stinking cute. I bought Alexandra's bear costume from baby gap 14 years ago when I worked there. I'm so happy to still have it so that she can wear. She makes a cute bear. Such a fun day. I LOVE my moms group and am so grateful for those ladies and their little bundle of joys.
Alexandra - bear.    Kennedy - Ladybug.      Penny - bumble Bee.     Jaxon - tiger.    Murielle - lady bug.    Ava - kitty cat

Last day in Palm Desert :(

Last day of our first of hopefully many family vacations. We had a wonderful time and are already looking forward to the next trip.